We must act now

“Twenty-five years ago, people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse.” — Desmond Tutu

Climate change is real and we all are aware about it. But since awareness alone won’t stop the problem, each of us must take individual actions to mitigate this climate change. The daily waste we produce, which is dumped in landfills and releases a lot of hazardous gases, is one of the major factors of climate change. 60% of the waste that we produce at our homes is organic which when dumped in landfills begins to decompose anaerobically and releases methane as well as contaminate the soil, ground water, and neighboring aquatic bodies through leachate.

One of the most sustainable practices to manage waste at source in our daily life is to compost the organic waste (i.e. fruit & vegetable peels, left over food, garden waste, etc)that we generate at our homes. By doing so we are not only managing our waste but also helping the land to become fertile to grow organic food.The agricultural land has been depleted as a result of the toxic chemicals that are used in today’s agricultural operations(like the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers).
The best part of composting is we are actually closing the loop i.e. “What comes from Earth must go back to Earth”


“One of the biggest obstacles to making a start on climate change is that it has become a cliché before it has even been understood” – Tim Flannery

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